Category Archives: Advice

Feedback: Why you should ask for it

Feedback is critical to one’s professional growth and development. It raises awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, extending opportunities for areas you can improve or capitalise on. Learn the differences and see how it impacts your ability to succeed. Before Alex Berger became one of Hollywood’s successful television writers, he understood it was a winner-take-all […]

Mindset: the starting point for change

The mind is the powerhouse that shapes your entire being. However, a mindset is just a belief that can easily be replaced. This article unravels the difference between a growth and fixed mindset and what it does to and for you. You decide whether you choose a fixed mindset where everything’s set in stone or […]

6 Tips For Smarter Negotiation Of Salary & Fair Compensation

The complexities of the Singapore job market today should never intimidate you from negotiating a fair salary and compensation. Anyone who contributes work of value increasing a business’ revenue should be fairly compensated and it can be done through careful evaluation of the company you choose to be in and understanding who you’re dealing with. Be […]

Excellence: The Beginning Of It All

In my previous article of this series, I wrote about Grit vs Talent: What’s The Difference and Why Does It Matter? has unravelled what sets apart high achievers and their counterparts and how they exude excellence effortlessly. In this article, I would like to explain that although we’re all gifted with different talents, born with […]

So Good They Can’t Ignore You— Craftsmen Journey To Great Careers

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin. What sets the highly successful and the mediocre ones apart are their mindset and what they do with their time. Take a dive into the mind of a craftsman–the ones who work strive to be so good, […]

Grit vs Talent: What’s The Difference And Why Does It Matter?

At times, exceptional performances at the workplace leave some wondering whether it’s a matter of talent or grit. The article series on Grit will unravel how high achievers succeed and why they stay successful, with part one helping you understand what true passion and perseverance can do for you.   Many will recognize talent from […]

New Year, Better Me

The right choices coupled with a subtle mindset shift and deconstructing macro-goals can bring about significant changes, promoting a better version of yourself this year.

Importance of open conversations about mental health in the workplace

Sometimes when we talk about health, we forget that it is not just about blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol levels, and the likes. Mental health is equally important, but there is not enough awareness and open conversations surrounding the topic. Far too often, such discussions are considered sensitive or even taboo in some societies, and the […]