Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the Good Job Creations (Singapore) website and all associated sites. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms of Use at any time. Using our website, you accept these Terms of Use and agree to abide by them. If you disagree with these Terms of Use, please refrain from using this site.

Use of the Site

You may use the information on our website provided that you:

  1. Include all relevant proprietary notice language in all copies of such documents;
  2. Use such information only for your own personal and non-commercial purpose;
  3. Make no modifications to any information used; and
  4. Make no additional representations relating to such documents.

Intellectual Property Rights

We are the owner of all intellectual property rights on our website. You must not use any part of the materials published on this website for commercial purposes without obtaining prior agreement from us to do so.

Should you print, copy, or download any part of our website that is in breach of these Terms of Use, you must, at our request, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made, whether modified or unmodified.

Uploading Material and Information

We will process any information received in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By using our website, you consent to such terms and are duty-bound to ensure that all information provided by you is accurate and complete.

Personal Information we Collect

We may gather information and statistics of all visitors, which may include the information supplied by you. We may share our data with selected third parties for the sole purpose of performing functions on our behalf. These third parties are bound by privacy terms to use the information as per instructed by us.

We will not disclose individual names or any identification details. We will process personal data as per our Privacy Policy and according to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). All personal information and contact details are strictly for internal use only.

Linking and Framing

You may link to our website, provided that it is done in a fair and legal way and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval, or endorsement on our part where none exists.

We reserve the right to withdraw the right to link without prior notice.

Links From Our Website

This site may contain links to other independent third-party websites. These linked sites are provided solely for convenience to our visitors. Good Job Creations is not responsible for the content of the linked sites.

The information contained in this website is subject to change without notice.